Marek Chmaj
Marek Chmaj
Year of birth
Place of residence
- Polish
- English
- Polish
- Russian
- antimonopoly law
- commercial agreements in general
- company law
- energy law
- infrastructural projects
- real estate, construction
Professional certification
Legal Counsel
- Higher education, professor of law.
Professional career
- Professor of law, granted by The President of Poland in 2009;
- Legal Advisor;
- Managing Partner and Head of the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department in Chmaj and Partners Law Office Limited Partnership (Spółka komandytowa) in Warsaw
- Professor in the Department of Public Law in University of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Ex-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law in Real Estate University in Warsaw, ex-associate dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration in University of Warmia and Mazury
- Lecture in Polish and European universities (f.ex. University of Warmia and Mazury, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, University in Castello – Spain, University of Bari in Italy, University of Latviain in Ryga)
- Expert of : Polish Parliament, President’s office, Institute of Public Affairs, local self -government bodies, Committees in Sejm,
- Author and co-author of several dozen publications of administrative and self-governmental issues, and about 200 other publications
Arbitration experience
- Participated and arbitrated in arbitration proceedings (last in June 2014).
Membership in organizations
- Member of the National Chamber of Legal Advisors from 2001;
- Polskie Towarzystwo Prawa Konstytucyjnego.
- Wolność zrzeszania się w Polsce, (red.) Marek Chmaj, Warszawa 2008, Wyd. C. H. Beck, ss. 234;
- Zamówienia publiczne, (red.) Marek Chmaj, Warszawa 2008, Wyd. Publicus, ss. 351 (wydanie II: Warszawa 2010, s. 364);
- Ustawa o dostępie do informacji publicznej. Komentarz, Mariusz Bidziński, Marek Chmaj, Przemysław Szustakiewicz, Warszawa 2010, Wyd. C. H. Beck, ss. 203;
- Administracja rządowa w Polsce, (red.) Marek Chmaj, Warszawa 2012, Wyd. Difin, ss. 222;
- Status prawny rady gminy, (red.) Marek Chmaj, Warszawa 2012, Wyd. Difin, ss 288;
- Prawo samorządu terytorialnego, (red.) Marek Chmaj, Warszawa 2013, Wyd. Difin, ss. 312;