Rett Ludwikowski
Rett Ludwikowski
Rok urodzenia
Place of residence
- Polish
- English
- Polish
- Russian
- commercial agreements in general
- Ph.D. and habilitation – Jagiellonian University
Professional career
- Senior Fulbright Scholar, at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, Fall 2004;
- Managing Editor, Comparative Rights and Fundamental Freedom, Oceana, 2001-2005;
- Senior Fulbright Scholar, at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, Fall 1997;
- Director, Comparative and International Law Institute;
- The Catholic University of America Law School, 1987-present;
- Director, The Catholic University of America International Business and Trade Summer Program, 1992-present;
- Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institute fur auslandisches and internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany, Fall 1990;
- Professor of Law (tenured), The Catholic University of America, 1986-present;
- Professor of Law, The Catholic University of America, 1985;
- Visiting Professor of Law, The Catholic University of America, August 1984 – May 1985;
- Visiting Professor of Politics, The Catholic University of America, January – May 1984;
- Visiting Professor of Politics, Alfred University, Fall 1983;
- Visiting Scholar, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University, June – October 1983;
- Visiting Professor of Political Science, Elizabethtown College, PA, pring Semester, 1982-83;
- Senor Fellow, Marguerite Eyer Wilbur Foundation, April – December 1982;
- Holder of chair of modern political movements and ideas;
- The Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 1976-81;
- Supervisor of the chair of the history of legal and political ideas, The Jagiellonian University, 1981;
- Associate Professor of Law, The Jagiellonian University, 1981;
- (University appointment, not confirmed by the government.) Chairman of Division of Law, The Jagiellonian University, 1980-81;
- Chairman of Division of Business, The Jagiellonian University, 1976-81;
- Assistant Professor of Politics, The Jagiellonian University, 1976-81;
- Adjunct Professor of the History of Political Ideas, Institute of Political Science, The Jagiellonian University, 1971-1976;
- Senior Lecturer, at the Chair of the History of Political Ideas, Institute of Political Science, The Jagiellonian University, 1967-71;
- Assistant to the Chair of the History of Political Ideas, The Jagiellonian University, 1966-67.
- Presidential Elections in the U.S.A. in Comparative Perspective (Lexis/Nexis, 2009) (with Anna Ludwikowski);
- Courts in the United States—Structure and Jurisdiction, (Sady w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Struktura i Jurysdykcja) (with Anna Ludwikowski), TNOIK, 2007 Torun;
- International Trade (Handel Miedzynarodowy) (2nd ed. enlarged and updated) C.H. Beck 2009;
- International Trade, (1st. ed. Handel Miedzynarodowy), C.H.Beck 2006;
- Comparative Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Vol. I (Oceana Publications Inc., 2002);
- Comparative Constitutional Law, TNOIK 2000, Torun;
- Regulations of International Trade and Business (ed. & co-author);
- Vol. II, International Business Transactions, ABC 1998;
- Regulations of International Trade and Business. Vol. I, International Trade, ABC 1996;
- Constitution Making in the Countries of Former Soviet Dominance;
- Duke University Press, 1996.