Piotr Nazaruk

Rok urodzenia


Place of residence



  • Polish


  • English
  • Polish


  • civil law
  • commercial law
  • company law
  • finance, banking
  • mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Professional certification

Legal Counsel, profesor uczelni


  • 2013 – Doctor of Laws in Civil Law, doctoral thesis entitled „Arbitration Clause Concerning Disputes Arising from Issues Related to Joint-stock Companies”;
  • 2007 – Graduate of postgraduate studies, PRE-Master of Business Administration;
  • 2004 – Master degree in Law, master’s thesis entitled “Optional Provisions of Limited Liability Company Articles of Association in Relation to European Law”.

Professional career

  • Since 2006 conducts own legal practice, which currently operates under the name: Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Prof. ucz. dr Piotr Nazaruk, with its registered seat in Warsaw. Furthermore, for many years he has been permanently cooperating with renowned law offices, including advising of Counsel one of the biggest Polish law offices specializing in providing legal assistance for foreign investors. . In the years 2004-2019, management board and supervisory board member for several corporations and foundation. In the years 2015-2019 government expert. Since 2009 is a mediator and arbitrator.
  • He combines his legal practice with employment at universities, since 2005 as a lecturer and 2014 as an assistant professor. Since 2016 he has been an employee at the European School of Law and Administration in Warsaw. Since 2018 he is a leader of Business and Commercial Law Department at the European School of Law and Administration in Warsaw.
  • The legal practice and academic activity of legal counsel Prof. dr. Piotr Nazaruk concentrates on matters of civil law and commercial law including: banking activities and financial instruments.

Arbitration experience

  • Arbiter in arbitration proceedings provides advisory and representation services in arbitration proceedings, adjudicating panels assistant in arbitration proceedings.
  • Entered the list of permanent arbitrators of several arbitration courts.

Membership in organizations

  • International Law Association in London, Polish Group – ILA Warsaw;
  • Regional Chamber Of Legal Advisors in Gdansk.


Several dozen publications concerning civil and commercial law, ADR, including:

  1. „Arbitration Clause Concerning Disputes Arising from Issues Related to Joint-stock Companies”, 2013 (doctoral thesis);
  2. Commentary on articles: 1-125, 659-773, 860-875, 921 [1]-[16] of the Polish Civil Code [in:] ” Kodeks Cywilny. Komentarz.” Pub. J. Ciszewski, Publ. J. Nazaruk, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2019 (SIP LEX 2019);
  3. „The Impact of the Corporate Governance Principle on the Joint Stock Companies Supervisory Boards Competences in European Union Member States”, [in:] Z. Radwański, T. Ereciński et. al., Polskie prawo prywatne w dobie przemian. Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana prof. J. Młynarczykowi, Pub. UG, Gdańsk 2005;
  4. „The Role of the International Public Law and >Soft Law< in the Area of Alternative Dispute Resolution between Public Entities and Private Entrepreneurs in Poland”, [in:] Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i Rzeczywistość Tom XII, 2015;
  5. „Legal and Comparative Study of the Regulation of Arbitration Possibility as  described by article 1157 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure–de lege lata and lege ferenda comments”, Kwartalnik Naukowy Pieniądze i Więź, No 64/2014;
  6. “Application of Arbitration Clause by Referral in Joint Stock Companies Legal Relations „, [in:]           „Tendencje reformatorskie w prawie handlowym” – Księga na X Ogólnopolski Zjazd Katedra Prawa Handlowego”, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2015;