Paweł Pietkiewicz
Paweł Pietkiewicz
Rok urodzenia
Place of residence
- Polish
- English
- French
- Polish
- commercial agreements in general
- company law
- infrastructural projects
- mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
- real estate, construction
Professional certification
- University
Professional career
- May 2006 – present – Equity partnership with CMS Cameron McKenna;
- May 2000 – May 2006 – Local partnership position with CMS Cameron McKenna in Warsaw;
- May 1998 – May 2000 – Associate with CMS Cameron McKenna in Warsaw;
- September 1994 – May 1998 – White & Case (Poland) Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw;
- November 1995 – May 1996 – Internship in White & Case office in Paris;
- October 1993 – June 1994 – Clifford Chance Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw;
- June 1992 – October 1993 – Vinson & Elkins Poland Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw;
- August 1991 – Internship in DDH Cooperators, a consulting company in Ghent, Belgium.
Arbitration experience
- Paweł Pietkiewicz was an arbitrator in proceedings carried out on the basis of the rules of the Court of Arbitration at the National Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Confederation “Lewiatan” and the Court of Arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.
Membership in organizations
- Warsaw Regional Bar Association;
- Polish Arbitration Association (a Member of the Management Board of the Polish Arbitration Association since 2007);
- Association H. Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française;
- Defence Research Institute Europe;
- DRI Europe (Country Chair of Poland).
- Arbitration clause, Law Monitor (Klauzula arbitrażowa, Monitor Prawniczy), 2000, No. 2, co-authored with Karol Rutkowski;
- Poland: Capacity to enter into an arbitration agreement; International Arbitration Law Review 2002, 5(5), N53-54; co-authored with Bartosz Dębski;
- The need for the protection of the public interest in the view of the practice of law (Potrzeba ochrony interesów zbiorowych w świetle praktyki), Paper presented at the conference organised by the Civil Law Codification Committee (Komisja Kodyfikacyjna Prawa Cywilnego) on collective redress, January 2007 in Warsaw. Published together with conference papers;
- Exclusion of an arbitrator. Selected procedural problems in the light of the provisions of the Code of Civil Proceedings, Part Five (Wy³¹czenie arbitra. Wybrane problemy proceduralne na tle przepisów Czêœci pi¹tej Kodeksu postêpowania cywilnego), in: International and Domestic Commercial Arbitration on the Threshold of the 21st Century. Liber Amicorum Tadeusz Szurski (Międzynarodowy i krajowy arbitraż handlowy u progu XXI wieku. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana doktorowi habilitowanemu Tadeuszowi Szurskiemu), edited by P. Nowaczyk, S. Pieckowski, J. Poczobut, A. Szumański, A. Tynel, Warsaw 2008;
- Advance to Cover the Costs of Arbitration Paid by Both Parties. Claim for the Payment of the Advance Paid for the Opposing Party. (Zaliczka obydwu stron na koszty postępowania przed sądem polubownym. Roszczenie o zasądzenie nadpłaconej zaliczki), Kwartalnik ADR Arbitraż i Mediacja, 2009, Nr 2 (6).