Maciej Syska
Maciej Syska
Rok urodzenia
Place of residence
- Polish
- English
- French
- Polish
- antimonopoly law
- commercial agreements in general
- company law
- competition
- distribution and franchise agreements
- infrastructural projects
- mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
Professional certification
- University of Warsaw Faculty of Law and Administration (Masters Degree), Polish Academy of Science (Competition Law Post-graduate Studies), from 2010 doctoral candidate and lecturer (2011-2016) at the Civil Law Institute of the University of Warsaw – Faculty of Law and Administration;
- Diploma of Higher Education in an Introduction to English Law and the Law of the European Union (Cambridge University and the University of Warsaw);
- Oxford University – study visit scholarship (2011);
- University of Paris Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) – Erasmus program (2010).
Professional career
I am a practitioner with over 10 years of professional experience in the field of litigation, arbitration, regulatory, competition/antitrust, as well as commercial agreements. For the past few years I have also been developing my practice as corporate counsel and head of legal department to deliver comprehensive strategic legal advice.
I have worked with reputable law firms and have been engaged in arbitration (both international and domestic) and litigation proceedings (civil, commercial, competition and regulatory, relating to fines imposed on undertakings, commercial agreements, infrastructural projects, foreign judgment enforceability, etc.). I have advised clients from various sectors (both regulated and non-regulated) on all aspects of Polish and EU competition/antitrust rules.
Starting from 2016, I have been running the legal and compliance department at a leading educational company (Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne S.A.).
- 2015 onwards – Head of Legal and Compliance, WSiP S.A.;
- 2017-2018 – Supervisory Board Member at Polskie Szkoły Językowe sp. z o.o. (Empik School);
- 2013-2015 – Modzelewska&Paśnik law firm (litigation/arbitration and competition/antitrust);
- 2011-2013 – Wierzbowski Eversheds sp.k. (litigation/arbitration and competition/antitrust teams);
- 2010-2011 – DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. (regulatory/litigation team).
Arbitration experience
- Involvement and advice to clients during arbitration proceedings, both international (UNCITRAL rules) and domestic (the Polish Chamber of Commerce) in disputes relating to infrastructure investments, competition law and commercial contracts.
Membership in organizations
- Polish Competition Law Association
- Polish Association of Corporate Lawyers (PSPP)
- Warsaw Bar Association
Selected publications:
- Monograph: Comparative study on pro futuro medical declarations („Medyczne oświadczenia pro futuro na tle prawnoporównawczym”) (Maciej Syska), Warsaw 2013;
- Monograph (co-author): Act on Patient Rights and the Patient Rights Ombudsman. Commentary (“Ustawa o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta. Komentarz”, ed. Leszek Bosek, współautor: Maciej Syska i inni), Warsaw 2020;
- Monograph (co-author): Foods and nutrition safety. Commentary („Bezpieczeństwo żywności i żywienia. Komentarz” (Andrzej Balicki, Filip Opoka, Maciej Syska, Daniel Szostek, Agnieszka Szymecka-Wesołowska (editor), Paweł Wojciechowski), Warsaw 2013;
- Academic paper: The amount of damages awarded and punitive damages in terms of the Polish public policy clause in the foreign judgement enforcement proceedings („Wysokość zasądzonego odszkodowania oraz tzw. punitive damages a klauzula porządku publicznego w postępowaniu o stwierdzenie wykonalności orzeczenia zagranicznego”) (Maciej Syska), Court Review (Przegląd Sądowy) 2015 no. 1 p. 47-65;
- Academic paper: Liability of healthcare facility based on unlawful acts for damages caused by professionals acting as workers and activity within the field of private healthcare („Deliktowa odpowiedzialność zakładu opieki zdrowotnej za szkodę wyrządzoną przez lekarza jako podwładnego a czynności podejmowane w ramach „prywatnej praktyki lekarskiej”) (Maciej Syska), Law and Medicine (Prawo i Medycyna) 2011 no. 4 p. 5-25;
- Academic paper: Consent to medical treatment and pro future medical declarations in the legislation and case-law of France and Belgium („Zgoda na zabieg medyczny oraz oświadczenia pro futuro w ustawodawstwie i orzecznictwie francuskim i belgijskim”) (Maciej Syska), Cz. 1-2. Law and Medicine 2011 no. 1 p. 57-82; no. 2 p. 75-99.
Awards and scholarships:
- Nominated for the Rising Stars. Lawyers – Leaders of tomorrow Award 2020 organised by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna and Wolters Kluwer Polska;
- Nominated for Corporate Lawyer of the Year Award by Polish Corporate Lawyers Association (2019);
- START program scholarship for the best young scholars in Poland, Foundation for Polish Science (2014);
- First award of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights for the best masters dissertation in the field of human rights (2010).