Timour Sysouev
Timour Sysouev
Rok urodzenia
- Belarusian
- Belarusian
- English
- Russian
- Ukrainian
- company law
- energy law
- infrastructural projects
- insurance
- mass media and advertising
- mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
- transport
Professional certification
Adwokat, Partner zarządzający w 'Sysouev, Bondar, Khrapoutski SBH law office’
- Belarusian State University (1995);
- Central European University (studia podyplomowe) (1998).
Professional career
- Practicing since 1992;
- Partner of “Sysouev, Bondar, Khrapoutski SBH” law office, Minsk, since June, 2012 till present time;
- Associate Professor at Belarusian State University, since September, 1995 till present time;
- Partner of Businessconsult law firm, Minsk, since year 1992 till May, 2012
Arbitration experience
Participation as the arbitrator/counsel in number of arbitration cases on the rules of the:
- Vienna International Arbitration Court;
- Arbitration Institute of Stockholm Chamber of Commerce;
- The International Arbitration Court at the Belarusian Chamber of the Commerce and Industry;
- The International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
- The Commercial Arbitration at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
- International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry,Arbitrations in Lithuania and Latvia.
Membership in organizations
- Minsk Region Bar Association.
Additional activity:
- Belarusian State University, Associate Professor (since 1995);
- Institute for retraining and qualification upgrading of Judges, Prosecutors and Legal Professionals at the Belarusian State University, Associated professor;
- Ex-Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus (1998-2009);
- Member of the Appeal Committee of Belarusian Ice Hockey Federation;
- Member of the Methodological council of the Belarusian Republican Bar Association;
- Member of the Presidium of the International Arbitration Court at the Belarusian Chamber of the Commerce and Industry;
- General Counsel of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
- Commentary on the Economic Procedural Code of the Republic of Belarus. – Minsk: Amalfeya, 1999;
- Die aktuelle Situation im Bereich der internationalen Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit und der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in der Republik Belarus // Recht und Praxis der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Staaten Zentral- und Ost-Europas / hrsg. von Karl-Heinz Bockstiegel. Mit Beitragen von Karl-Heinz Bockstiegel … und mit wichtigen Texten. (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Institution fur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit; Bd. 13). — Koln; Berlin; Bonn; Munchen : Heymanns, 1998;
- Civil procedure. General part: Manual / Ed. T. Belova, I. Kolyadko, N. Yurkevich – Mn.: Amalfeya, 2000;
- Civil procedure. Special part: Manual / Ed. T. Belova, I. Kolyadko, N. Yurkevich – Mn.: Amalfeya, 2002;
- Commentary to the Economic Procedural Code of the Republic of Belarus. – Mn.: Amalfeya, 2003;
- International Commercial Arbitration // International regulation of the foreign economic activity / D. Alexandrov, A. Bobkov, S. Vaskovsky etc.; Ed. V. Kamenkova. – M.: Publishing House of the business and training literature. – Mn.: DICTA, 2005.