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Arbitration agreement

Provision for amicable settlement and resolution of disputes by a court of arbitration – the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Confederation Lewiatan is a provision in the agreement executed by its parties under which this Court becomes a competent court for settlement of disputes arising out of or related to such an agreement.

It might be in the parties’ interest to specify the governing law of the contract (the law of a specific country or the general rules of law or equity) and the language of arbitration, to indicate the number of arbitrators (essentially, one or three), and to add any additional requirements permitted by the Rules.

Recommended wording of arbitration clauses

We recommend the following arbitration clause:

„Any dispute arising out of or related to this contract shall be finally settled by the  arbitral tribunal at the Lewiatan Court of Arbitration in Warsaw in accordance with the Rules of that Court in effect on the date of commencement of the proceedings.”


If the place of arbitration is to be other than the capital city of Warsaw, the arbitration clause should be supplemented with the following provision:

„The place of arbitration shall be […].”


If the language of the arbitration is to be other than Polish, the clause should be supplemented with the following provision:

„The language of arbitration shall be […].”