Dolores Bentolila

Year of birth



  • Argentinean
  • Swiss


  • English
  • French
  • Spanish


  • agency distribution franchising
  • commercial agreements in general
  • energy law
  • infrastructural projects
  • intellectual property law
  • international law
  • media and new technologies
  • pharmaceutical law
  • real estate, construction
  • state contracts


  • Ph.D. in International Law, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, 2015 (summa cum laude)
  • Master in International Law, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, 2009
  • Law Degree, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina, 2005

Professional career

  • Partner, Bentolila Law, Geneva, 2023

  • Associate in International Arbitration, White & Case, Geneva, 2015 – 2023
  • Associate in International Arbitration, Winston & Strawn, Geneva, 2012 – 2015
  • Teaching and Researc Assistant in International Law, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, 2008 – 2012
  • Associate in Corporate Law, Bomchil, Buenos Aires, 2006 – 2007

Arbitration experience

  • Representing a contractor in an ICC arbitration seated in Portugal against the owner regarding defects in the works and delays to te construction and revamping of a refinery.
  • Representing a contractor in an ICC arbitration seated in Australia against the subcontractor regarding fraudulent misrepresentation claims, delays and the termination of a construction subcontract in respect of the conctrucion of a fertilizer plant.
  • Representing a telecommunications investor in an ICSID arbitration against Sudan concerning the cancellation of its license.
  • Representing Ecuador in an UNCITRAL-PCA arbitration against an oil investor concerning a denial of justice in a pollution lawsuit.
  • Representing a multinational fast food restaurant in an ICC arbitration seated in Switzerland against its franchisee.
  • Secretary to an arbitral tribunal in an ad hoc arbitration seated in Switzerland, regarding a financial services contract.
  • Assistant to the sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration seated in Switzerland, regarding a shipping investment.
  • Assistant to a co-arbitrator in an ICSID arbitration against a Latin-American state in a dispute concerning the compensation due for the direct expropriation of an oil investment.

Membership in professional organizations and associations

  • International Chamber of Commerce
  • International Bar Association
  • Arbitral Women
  • Comite Espanol de Arbitraje
  • Swiss Arbitration Association
  • Asociacion Latinoamericana de Arbitraje
  • European-Latin American Arbitration Association
  • Women Way in Arbitration Latam


  1. Arbitrators as Lawmakers, Kluwer International (2017)
  2. „Contrat d’etat”, Jurisclasseur Droit International, LexisNexis (2019) Fasc. 571-90 (co-authored with J-M. Jacquet)
  3. „Le precedent arbitral”, Reuve de l’arbitrage, Vol. 4 (2017), pp. 1167 – 1196
  4. „Pharmaceuticals: A New Frontier in Investment Treaty Arbitration”, Global Arbitration Review (2013) (co-authored with R. Ugarte i F. Stirnimann)
  5. „Alternative (Non-Judicial) Means to Enforce Investment Arbitral Awards Against States” (co-authored with J. Vinuales), in Diplomatic and Judical Means of Dispute Settlement, Brill (2012), pp. 247-277
  6. „Shareholders Action to Claim for Indirect Damages in ICSID Arbitration”, Trade Law & Development, Vol 2(1) (2010), pp. 87-144.