Marek Jeżewski
Marek Jeżewski
Rok urodzenia
Place of residence
- Polish
- English
- French
- Polish
- antimonopoly law
- commercial agreements in general
- company law
- competition
- energy law
- mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
Professional certification
- Ph.D.
Professional career
- Since December 2008 – Adjunct Professor at the University of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in Warsaw;
- Since November 2011 – Partner at the Kochański, Zięba, Rąpała and Partners sp. j.;
- From February 2005 – November 2011 – Legal Advisor to the Department of Treaty and Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Membership in organizations
- Member of the European Society of International Law;
- Member of the Society of International Economic Law;
- Member of the International Law Association.
- Międzynarodowe prawo inwestycyjne, (eng. International Investment Law) wyd. C.H. Beck, forthcoming;
- Commentary to Articles 206-207 (Common Commercial Policy) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, forthcoming;
- Development Considerations in Defining Investment, [w:] M.W. Gehring, M.-C. Cordonier Segger, A. Newcombe (red.), Sustainable Development in World Investment Law, wyd. Wolters Kluwer 2010;
- Prawo traktatów wobec umów między państwami a podmiotami prywatnymi (eng. Law of Treaties and the contracts between States and private investors), [w:] Z. Galicki, T. Kamiński, K. Myszona-Kostrzewa (red.), ’40 lat minęło- praktyka i perspektywy Konwencji Wiedeńskiej o prawie traktatów’, wyd. SAWPiAUW, Warszawa 2009.