Aleksander Chłopecki

Year of birth


Place of residence



  • Polish


  • English
  • German
  • Polish


  • commercial agreements in general
  • company law
  • finance, banking
  • mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Professional certification

Legal Counsel


  • In 1990 – M.A. from the Law and Administration Faculty of the University of Warsaw.
  • In 1991, – Magister der Rechtsvergleichung from the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn, Germany.
  • In 1997, Doctor of Law, then (2002) dr. hab. of Legal Studies at the University of Warsaw.

Professional career

  • Aleksander Chlopecki Professor of Law at the University of Warsaw, Head of the Chair of the Civil Law, Head of the Chair of the Capital Market Law at the Warsaw University. Legal Counsel.
  • Partner in: Chlopecki Sobolewska i Wspólnicy, Doradcy Prawni, sp. komandytowa.
  • Chairman of the Arbitrage Court by Polish Financial Supervision Authority.
  • From 1990 (since now), he worked at the Institute of Civil Law in the Law and Administration Faculty of the University of Warsaw.
  • Has often worked jointly with the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission (in 1991-94, in the Broker and Trust Fund Department; then until 1996 as Advisor to the Commission Chairman for Legal Affairs;
  • In 1997-2000 he was Director of the Legal Department; and from June 2001 to February 2004, Deputy Chairman of the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission for Legal Affairs – responsible for preparation of polish capital market regulations).
  • In 1996-97 and in the period between May 2000 until May 2001, was associated with the legal firm Hunton Williams.
  • Since May 2003 he is a Professor at the University of Warsaw.

Arbitration experience

  • Chairman of the Arbitrage Court by Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Judge and representative in other arbitrage courts such Arbitrage Court by Association of Polish Banks and Arbitrage Court by Polish Chamber of Commerce.

Membership in organizations

  • Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych.


  1. Chłopecki A., Usługi maklerskie w publicznych obrocie papierami wartościowymi, Warszawa 1995r.;
  2. Chłopecki A., Domański G., Jurga R., Michalski M., Sobolewski L., Prawo o publicznych obrocie papierami wartościowymi – Komentarz, Warszawa 1999r.;
  3. Chłopecki A., Dyl. M., Rynki kapitałowe w Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2000r., Publikacja Instytutu Wymiaru Justice;
  4. Chłopecki, opcje i transakcje terminowe. Zagadnienia prawne, Warszawa 2001r.;
  5. Chłopecki A., Dyl M., Prawo rynku kapitałowego, Warszawa 2003 (podręcznik akademicki, CH Beck);
  6. Chłopecki A. Zapała A. Nowocień-Dycha K., Prawa i obowiązki klienta domu maklerskiego, Warszawa 2003;
  7. System Prawa prywatne, Prawo papierów 4, t. 19, pr. zbiorczy. pod redakcją A.Szumańskiego (część Praca pt. Obrót instrumentami finansowymi na rynku kapitałowym, s. 745-760, 818-1029) – CH. BECK, Warszawa 2006.