Justyna Szpara

Rok urodzenia


Place of residence



  • Polish


  • English
  • German
  • Polish


  • commercial agreements in general
  • company law
  • infrastructural projects
  • international trade
  • investment arbitration
  • investment arbitration
  • mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
  • real estate, construction

Professional certification



  • 2005 admission to Warsaw Bar;
  • 1996-2001 legal studies at Warsaw University, Faculty of Law & Administration;
  • 2000-2001 legal studies at the University of Regensburg, Germany, Faculty of Law.

Professional career

  • since 2010 – managing partner of Łaszczuk & Partners;
  • since 2005 – partner at Łaszczuk & Partners;
  • since 1999 – working with Łaszczuk & Partners.

Arbitration experience

  • More than 50 domestic and international arbitration proceedings (as arbitrator or presiding arbitrator), conducted under the rules of ICC, UNCITRAL, Lewiatan Arbitration Court and the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce.
  • Listed as arbitrator by the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Lewiatan Arbitration Court. 

Membership in organizations

  • International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) (honorary board member);
  • Member of the Arbitration Commission of Polish Bar Council.


Selected publications:

  1. The Arbitration Rules of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce. Commentary [Original title: Regulamin Arbitrażowy Sądu Arbitrażowego przy KIG. Komentarz], M. Łaszczuk, A. Szumański (ed.), Warsaw 2017 [§ 6(2); § 20-23; § 43-47];
  2. Post-Arbitration Proceedings (co-author: Maciej Łaszczuk) [in:] A. Szumański (ed.), The System of Commercial Law. Commercial Arbitration. Volume 8, Chapter 12 [System Prawa Handlowego. Arbitraż handlowy. Tom 8, Rozdział 12], Warsaw, edition I 2009, edition II 2015;
  3. How Is an Insurer Bound by an Arbitration Clause Made by the Insured? [in:] M. Łaszczuk et al., Arbitration and Mediation. A Commemorative Volume Dedicated to Dr Andrzej Tynel [Original tilte: Arbitraż i mediacja. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana doktorowi Andrzejowi Tynelowi], Warsaw 2012;
  4. Is the Parties’ Freedom to Establish the Rules of Procedure before the Arbitration Court Limited in Time? (co-author: Maciej Łaszczuk), [in:] J. Okolski et al., A Commemorative Volume for 60 years of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw [Original title: Księga pamiątkowa 60-lecia Sądu Arbitrażowego przy Krajowej Izbie Gospodarczej w Warszawie], Warsaw 2010;
  5. Invalidity of Arbitration Clause for Disputes under European Union Law: Ruling of the English High Court in Accentuate v Asigra, e-Przegląd Arbitrażowy No. 1 (spring) 2010;
  6. Place where the Award Was Made and Place of Arbitration (in the Context of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards) [Original title: Miejsce wydania wyroku a miejsce arbitrażu (w kontekście uznawania i wykonywania zagranicznych orzeczeń arbitrażowych] ADR. Arbitration and Mediation 2009, no. 2 (6), 2009;
  7. Comments on the Scope of Assistance Provided to the Arbitration Court by the State Court Pursuant to Article 1192 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure, (co-author: Maciej Łaszczuk), Palestra, No. 9-10, 2008.