Rafał Roszkowski

Rok urodzenia


Place of residence



  • Polish


  • English
  • Polish
  • Russian


  • commercial agreements in general
  • intellectual property law
  • media and new technologies

Professional certification



  • Master of Laws

Professional career

  • Since 2008 – Parter at „Drzewiecki, Tomaszek i Wspólnicy”;
  • He advised Polish and foreign clients in various commercial cases. He is specialized in intellectual property law and copyright law. He also has significant experience in conducting civil litigation, including cases involving intellectual property and unfair competition (for example: protection of trademarks, combating unfair competition and advertisements);
  • Since 2003 – advocate;
  • Since 1998 – associate at „Drzewiecki, Tomaszek i Wspólnicy”.

Arbitration experience

  • A legal representative in arbitration cases regarding Internet domains in proceedings before the Court of Conciliation for Domains at the Polish Chamber of Computer Science and Telecomunications in Warsaw (PIIT).
  • A legal representative in arbitration cases before teh Court of Arbitration of the Polish Chamber of Commerce.

Membership in organizations

  • Warsaw Advocate Bar


  1. Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego w zakresie postępowania cywilnego – okiem praktyków, Warszawa 2011 (pod red. A. Tomaszka i O. Sztejnert-Roszak).