Małgorzata Modzelewska de Raad
Małgorzata Modzelewska de Raad
Rok urodzenia
Place of residence
- Polish
- English
- French
- Polish
- antimonopoly law
- commercial agreements in general
- competition
- distribution and franchise agreements
- infrastructural projects
- media and new technologies
Professional certification
- Master of Law – Faculty of Law and Administration at Warsaw University;
- European Law – Faculty of Law, University of Utrecht;
- Postgraduate Studies in Competition Law: King’s College, University of London.
Professional career
- 1996 – January 1997 – SAP Projekt Sp. z o.o;
- January 1997 – August 1998 – Coopers & Lybrand Legal Consulting Sp. z o.o;
- August 1998 – 30.09.2013 – Wierzbowski Eversheds Sp. k.; from 1.07.2007 – Partner;
- 10.01.2013 – present – Modzelewska & Paśnik Sp. j . – Partner.
Arbitration experience
- Representing entrepreneurs as counsel in several arbitrations, mostly – before the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce.
- Since 2008 – participation in several international arbitrations as counsel or lead counsel (proceedings based on the Rules of Arbitrations of the ICC International Court of Arbitration and UNICTRAL ad hoc arbitrations).
Membership in organizations
- Warsaw Bar Association;
- Competition Law Association;
- Center for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (CARS);
- ArbitralWomen.
- Commentary to the Act on Competition and Consumer Protection , CH Beck, 2014 (co-author of the part of the Commentary with prof. T. Skoczny);
- Comments on the ruling „O2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG vs. Commission of the European Communities” [in: ] The case law of the Community Courts in Competition Matters in 2004-2009, Wolters Kluwer, 2010;
- More economic approach to exclusivity agreements: how does it work in practice? Case comment to the judgment of the Court of Appeals in Warsaw of 25 February 2010 – Lesaffre Polska” [in:] Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Vol. 2011, 4(5), 2011.