Together with Court of Arbitration at the PCC & Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS) German Arbitration Institute we invite you to participate in a discussion on 

Supplementary rules for third-party notices in arbitration – German remedy needed/fit for Polish arbitration too?’, 

which will be held on 22 May 2024, at 5 pm at the premises of the Court of Arbitration.

The discussion will be participated by Christian Borris, Michał Kocur, Katarzyna Michałowska, Christina Cathey Schuetz and moderated by Aleksandra Orzeł-Jakubowska.

Link to registration

The panel discussion will take place in English with no simultaneous translation.

The event is stationary, it is not possible to take part in an online format.

Space at the event is limited, so early registration is recommended.



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